In Which I Drive Around Scenic Western PA

14 Mar

My Spring break just ended, and I was forced to sleepily drive from my balmy, relaxing home to the icy North when I attend school. Sure, it’s only a four hour drive, but I’m telling you — it’s a whole damn lot colder up here.

On the way from there to here, I spotted many things of great beauty.

One such thing was a concrete overpass on which some devout soul had sprayed in green paint “TRUST ESUS.” Well, at least, that’s what it said when I passed it last Sunday. I’ve never heard of this Esus fellow, so I’m thinking this may not have been the graffitist’s original message.

Then again, one must not assume. Maybe the…artist who added this thought provoking message to that dull bridge wanted the world to know about some wonderful guy named Esus. Poor Esus maybe has a shady reputation, and the bridge-artist wanted the world to know that Esus isn’t such a bad guy. You just have to trust Esus.

Hmm. I’m thinking no. Actually, now that I think about it, I distinctly remember the overpass saying “TRUST JESUS” the last time I drove past. So this is my real question: 2000ish years ago, when Jesus walked the Earth (and the water), was this what he had in mind? Spray painting bridges? I mean, sure, the dude hung out with the lepers and whores, he wasn’t all about kissing up to authority…but…I feel like vandalism isn’t classy. I want to note, I’m not Christian — I just think Jesus was a pretty classy guy.

So next time you spray paint a bridge, kids, just ask yourself: What would Esus do?

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Posted by on March 14, 2011 in Uncategorized



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